It’s my birthday. Fifty-eight. That means that I’m closer to 60 than 55. And definitely closer to 60 than 50. I put this blog on the net a couple of months ago. Given the title is, “Pushing sixty, one day at a time,” I guess this is a good day to post. Most of you know that I share my birthday with my brother John, who popped out about ten minutes before me, in the great blackout of the Northeast in 1965. So, we’re pushing sixty. I don’t feel like it. There are days when I feel like I’m pushing, that’s for sure. But, when I look back, faraway are the days when I felt like I was wading through water when I was simply walking. The bad old days of severe CFS, or chronic fatigue syndrome. These days, when I feel like I’m walking through water, it’s because I AM! Like yesterday. I went to the pool, and waded through the water to a lap lane. In one corner of the pool, there were women riding stationary bikes. A cardiac workout. For a split second, I was jealous. Then I told myself, n...